Visiting Santa Fe is alway a high point for the year. Such a beautiful place full of unique painting opportunities. The light and colors are different here, crisp and bright. Gathering ideas for paintings is not difficult, but narrowing down to the few that will become full sized oils is. A good place to start is to just take a walk, which my dogs, Golden Retrievers, enjoy as well.
While walking through the neighborhood between Rosario Blvd and Old Taos Highway I came across this gem, The House of the Bells.
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All the way up this hill are fabulous homes each worthy of a study.
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At the top you come to the Cross of the Martyrs – The Original. It was used to commemorate the 21 Franciscan Priests who were killed in the Pueblo Revolt in 1680.
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This is a house on Griffin St. Painting sunlight on adobe is a fascinating exercise.
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The next few sketches were done on walks on dirt roads with the dogs.
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Loving the colors in the chamisa and russian sage along the way.
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These were done on Canyon Road, the center for Santa Fe’s art community. Originally a residential neighborhood, now home to over 80 galleries.
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On Rosario Street near our condo.
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La Casa Sena one our favorite restaurants inspired “Sunshine Champagne” which eventually became a painting.
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New Mexico Museum of Fine Arts.
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This again is from La Casa Sena, in front of the wine shop. This one also became a painting.
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These next three are all homes in our little neighborhood.
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Santa Fe 2008/2009 p1Santa Fe
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To see my hand crafted jewelry visit