In late Spring of 2005 Brian and I went to Georgia, it was a chance for him to take a dedicated golf course at the Ritz Carleton, (WOW) and for me to take long hikes in pine forests and have fun taking pictures and making watercolors in my sketchbook. It was a really interesting trip for me also because my Dad is from Rome, Georgia, and all my life I heard about that part of the world, and this was the first time I experienced it.
Georgia 2005 p25
A beautiful full moon rose on our last night there – we had rented a boat and taken it out on the water, it was magical. Even though we got lost, we eventually made it back by following another boat!
Georgia 2005 p24
A family of ducklings was wandering around outside our window.
Georgia 2005 p23
Soft sunrises and vibrant sunsets.
Georgia 2005 p22
Georgia 2005 p21
Georgia 2005 p20
Georgia 2005 p19
All kinds of wildlife made their home in this area.
Georgia 2005 p18
Georgia 2005 p17
The pine trees made such interesting sculptural shapes.
Georgia 2005 p16
As the moon waxed during our stay I loved watching the moonlight on the water.
Georgia 2005 p15
Georgia 2005 p14
Georgia 2005 p13
There were so many paths through the forest, I went on hikes that lasted hours and loved the smell of the pine trees and sunshine. Luckily it wasn’t too hot out or buggy!
Georgia 2005 p12
Georgia 2005 p11
Ducklings in the stream
Georgia 2005 p10
Georgia 2005 p9
Georgia 2005 p8
So many beautiful sights of the birds by the lake and through the trees
Georgia 2005 p7
Georgia 2005 p6
Georgia 2005 p5
Some rainy days – it cleared by afternoon, and it was lovely to hear the sound of the rain in the trees
Georgia 2005 p4
Georgia 2005 p3
Georgia 2005 p2
Georgia 2005 p1
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